Jan Dhan Arjit Co-Operative (U) T/C Society Ltd. is a Thrift & Credit Cooperative Society registered under the Delhi Cooperative Societies Act 2003. On 4 Oct 2017 The main goal of establishing this co- operative society is to promote financial freedom among people around us, we have more than 3000 Active member. The Society has its corporate office at Delhi. The norms and rules of working related to the Society have been outlined under the Bye-laws of the Society.
The society also provides credit facilities to its members for productive purposes in accordance
with the cooperative principles.
We work as a bridge between two persons, a person having excess money will deposit it's
money in the society in various deposits schemes and the person who needs money for his
various genuine requirements is sanctioned loan the Society continues to progress and offers to
meets the expectations of its members, true to the co-operative tradition and spirit.
The primary
objective of the Society is to uplift
the social and economic conditions of its members by promoting saving habits. The products of
the Society are in the shape of Daily Deposit, Fixed Deposits, Recurring Deposits, Saving
Accounts, and Loans.In order to continue the trend of
serving the masses and
maintaining a leading stance for our valuable customers, we constantly monitor the market and
try to better ourselves in every possible manner. We stand firmly with what we believe in,
thereby ensuring a satisfied client-base. Technological advancement is our forte so that banking
at Jan Dhan Arjit Co-Operative (U) T/C Society Ltd. society becomes a uniquely satisfying experience for one and all.
Mr Sonu Kumar
President & Founder
In order to continue the trend of serving the masses and maintaining a leading stance for our valuable customers, we constantly monitor the market and try to better ourselves in every possible manner. We stand firmly with what we believe in, thereby ensuring a satisfied client-base. Technological advancement is our forte so that banking at Jan Dhan Arjit Co-Operative (U) T/C Society Ltd. becomes a uniquely satisfying experience for one and all.As the banking industry spreads its tentacles wider, Jan Dhan Arjit Co-Operative (U) T/C Society Ltd. is all set to realize its goals of bringing about innovative schemes and plans in order to serve customers better and make their banking experience with us highly beneficial. We aim to become a competitive financial system catering to a wide spectrum of customers.
To uplift the social and financial status of its members by inculcating saving habits amongst them through the spirit of Co-operation.
To enlighten and move towards co-operative movement by way of providing high quality standards and best customer services.
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